Activa Multimèdia
Solutions and services for the audiovisual industry
Activa Multimèdia is a company providing solutions and services for the audiovisual industry.
It has four main business lines: Digital Interactive TV, Video Production and Management, Software Solutions and Contents and Services.

Digital TV provides all-in-one interactive solutions for DTT, ranging from conceptualization, development and edition of applications to data maintenance (EPG, digital teletext, weather, etc.) and the broadcast of interactive content in multiplex head-ends.
The Video Production and Management line includes:
- Automatic TV, which develops and markets automatic content platforms for television and participatory services via SMS-MMS. It publishes content on screen in real time (weather, sports, traffic, etc.) as well as SMS messages sent in by viewers.
- Digition Suite, a digital production and archiving system for television companies and audiovisual archives.
- ipEXvideo, a video content delivery system that transmits videos in any format over IP networks and provides remote cataloguing and management of videos.
Software Solutions provides applications and management systems for the optimal integration and automation of back office processes for companies in the audiovisual industry.
The Contents and Services area includes these two product lines:
- SAM (Audiovisual Meteorological Services), Spain’s leading provider of meteorological content for the Internet, mobile telephony and television. It produces the Meteo Channel for the Digital+ platform and supplies daily, updated weather forecasts for any country in the world.
- iVAC, producing automatic virtual characters for television, Internet and mobile telephony.

Activa Multimèdia is an affiliate of the Catalan Broadcasting Corporation (Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals - CCMA).
Where are we...

Imagina Centre Audiovisual
Gaspar Fàbregas, 81. 2º
08950 Esplugues de Llobregat
Barcelona - Spain
Telf. +34 93 567 25 50
Fax +34 93 372 27 73