AM supplies the weather reports to La 10, the new generalist channel, by means of the e-Meteo service

This service developed by AM generates remote weather reports

Activa Multimèdia (AM), through its service of remotely-generated reports e-Meteo, provides the videos of weather information to La 10, Vocento group’s new generalist channel, which launched its broadcasts on 20 September last. The system enables this new television to download online the weather-forecast, ready-to-broadcast videos for the Spanish territories.

Through e-Meteo those in charge of the weather information at La 10 obtain the reports in two fully customised editions that are updated twice daily. From the channel the information provided is customised through a production incorporated by the presenter, who also receives support information.

The videos for La 10 include sequences of images from the Meteosat satellite; an animated isobaric map; forecast maps of Spain for the day and an advance for the following days; and a flight over the territory that zooms in over the different areas. The forecast is shown by means of symbols and temperatures, and it further includes the maritime forecast.

With its Serveis Audiovisuals de Meteorologia line (SAM or Audiovisual Weather Services), Activa Múltimèdia is Spain’s leading company for the supply of weather information and data for the media – information and data that can be adapted to any platform. It offers technologically-advanced solutions to facilitate the production of weather information for television.