AM provides daily weather information service to Comunicàlia

The service is offered through e-Meteo, the remotely-generated weather reports solution that televisions receive in a ready-to-broadcast form
As from this autumn, Activa Multimèdia (AM) offers weather information videos to Comunicàlia’s television channels through its e-Meteo service. This system of remote generation of reports enables to download its weather forecast videos ready for broadcasting.

AM provides 7 different editions of customised reports according to the territory – namely, Alt Pirineu-Aran and Andorra; Lleida and Franja de Ponent; Central Catalonia; Tarragona; Terres de l’Ebre and north of Valencian Community; Barcelona; and Girona and “Catalunya Nord”. The weather reports are two minutes long each and include voice-over.

Comunicàlia is a communication consortium that includes some 40 television channels and more than 100 radio stations of local and county nature.

Activa Multimèdia, through its SAM line (Audiovisual Weather Services) is Spain’s leading company in the supply of weather information and data, adapted to any platform, for the media. It offers technologically-advanced solutions to simplify the production of weather information for television.