
Software Solutions

Software for management and control of TV commercials.

COVI offers TV channels a centralized, dynamic and flexible system for managing commercials.

COVI, like other Activa Multimèdia applications, allows for multi-channel and multi-company management.


  • Client and contact person management; automates tasks like mailings, e-mails, labeling, sending rates, etc.
  • Booking by estimated audience size and by specified targets.
  • Management of advertising contracts and orders.
  • Availability and reservation of advertising blocks.
  • Booking by advertiser, buying service, agency, type of contract, etc.
  • Multi-channel booking.
  • Processes additional data such as expiry date, duration, name of creative agency, language, technical data, etc.
  • Management of commissions paid to sales agents.
  • Preparation of ads to be inserted into broadcasting schedule.
  • Ad transfer between blocks.
  • Automatic and manual reorganization of airings.
  • Managing of invoicing process: by Gross Rating Points (GRPs) or by rates.
  • Collection management and control.
  • Guarantees management and control.
  • Generation of accounting entries.
  • Assessment of airings based on audience ratings for ads broadcast and potential audience for future airings.
  • Daily monitoring of audience ratings through an automatic link to audience rating agencies.
  • Campaign proposals tailored to client’s needs (aimed at bigger audiences, limited budget).
  • After client approval, campaign is automatically transferred to booking department.
  • A single tool for managing commercials from booking to broadcasting and payment.
  • Generates fast, reliable audience forecasting.
  • Allows campaigns to be planned by GRPs.
  • Minimizes the time needed to process advertising orders.