Service Information is already, in 2005, a reality present in many televisions. Despite the analogue system, these televisions seek to provide an added value to their programming through the publication of news, information about the weather, the traffic or cultural events, among others.
The arrival of the DTT ushers in, in addition, a whole world of interactive possibilities for service information to citizens – the viewer can check free and image-enriched information of his or her interest on demand, all within the reach of the remote control.
These technological opportunities represent a challenge of service to the citizen, not just for televisions but also for the administrations that have the opportunity of taking advantage of its potential.
TVC Multimèdia [ now Activa Multimèdia ], with its acknowledged career in the development of text publication systems for analogue channels, and in interactive applications for the DTT, organises, together with the Catalan Broadcasting Corporation, this first One-day Conference with the aim of reflecting and sharing knowledge with all the actors involved, and to get familiarised with the experience from other countries, in order to start building the next stage of service information.
Technical details
Title: 1st One-day Conference on Service TV
Date: 2 June 2005
Venue: Hotel Barceló Atenea Mar (Barcelona)
Organised by: Activa Multimèdia and Catalan Radio and Television Corporation
- Eduardo García Matilla, Corporación Multimedia. Presente y futuro de la TV en España.
- Tomàs Molina, TVC. Meteorología en los medios de comunicación.
- Kent Zehetner, Storm Weather Center (Norway). The Storm Weather Center.
- John Teather, BBC. The BBC Weather Center.
- Ana Luz Jiménez, Dirección General de Tráfico. Información sobre tráfico: fuentes y difusión en TV.
- Lluís Serrano, Servei Català de Trànsit. La informació sobre el trànsit a través de la TV.
- Espartac Peran, TVC. El cas de TVC: Trafficplay.
- Alejandra Panighi, TVC Multimèdia. Televisión automatizada: una oportunidad para la televisión de servicio.
- Alejandra Panighi’s presentation. Donwload presentation.
- Rafael García Arranz, TVE. El caso de TVE.
- Fernando García Soria, ONCE. La accesibilidad a los servicios de información pública en TVE para personas con discapacidad.
- Albert Casellas, FESOCA. La accesibilidad a los servicios de información pública en TVE para personas con discapacidad.
- Joan Rosés, TVC Multimèdia. Las posibilidades que se abren con la TDT.
- Joan Rosés’ presentation. Download presentation.
- Marjukka Saarijärvi, Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications. Finland Public TV Services.
- Marjukka Saarijärvi’s presentation. Download presentation.
- Bob Gann, National Health Service. NHS Direct Interactive: The UK National Health Service on Digital Interactive Television.
- Bob Gann’s presentation. Download presentation.
- Angiolino Lonardi, Rai. Rai Utile Italia.